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Marvling Bros Ltd

Special Delivery Dozen Roses In A Matchbox

Special Delivery Dozen Roses In A Matchbox

A unique take on the ultimate symbol of romance, a miniature bouquet of a dozen red roses in a matchbox. This delightful bunch of roses is presented in a matchbox with a vintage special delivery design. On opening the matchbox the recipient will be presented with an exquisite bunch of handmade paper red roses in a tiny paper bouquet, and the message 'I'm so glad I picked you'. A truly unique keepsake gift, 'Special Delivery' In A Matchbox is the perfect way to let someone know how special they are. Made from: paper roses, wire, card
常规价格 $12.00 USD
常规价格 促销价 $12.00 USD
促销 售罄
  • Handmade
  • Earth Friendly
  • Fast Shipping


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